Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Storybook Favorites

One storybook I really liked was The Cosmic Egg.  What I liked about this storybook is the layout of the page and how easy it is to navigate.  I think it is structured well and I would like to incorporate some of those aspects into my own storybook such as the home page with a short amount of text describing the overall website and a link to learn more about me.  Aside from the layout, I also enjoyed the stories and thought they were very interesting and different.

The second storybook I enjoyed was The Real Veggie Tales.  It caught my attention because it was about vegetables and being a vegan, I thought that was kind of funny.  My favorite story was of Carl Cabbage.  I thought the layout of the page was nice and easy to navigate through like the first one.  I specifically liked the icon that comes up when highlighting over the topics on the left hand side.  I would like to incorporate something like that into my storybook too.

The final storybook I liked was News Channel KJVB: Reporting Your Favorite Bible Stories!  This one caught my attention because I am a journalist so the title really stuck out to me.  Not all of the images were appearing which I didn't like but overall I thought the concept of the storybook was fun. What I really liked was the way the stories were structured.  It was kind of like a conversation going back and forth between characters, similar to how you might read a conversation going on in an actual book.  I think I'd like to incorporate some aspects of that into my storybook.  

There were many other storybooks that caught my eye but these were a few of my favorite ones.

Here is an image from the show, VeggieTales, which was probably my favorite storybook of the ones I've listed above.  

Veggie Tales animated cast, Source:

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