Saturday, January 24, 2015

Reading Diary B: Tibetan Folktales

For the second half of the Tibetan Folktales unit, my favorite story was The Two Little Cats.  The title interested me right off the bat and as I was reading it, I thought the story was pretty funny.  At the same time though, I thought it was a little bit random and it didn't make very much sense.  Perhaps that is why I thought it was so funny.  I think I might like to retell this story for my storytelling post this week and change the overall plot of the story. 

My second favorite story in the second half of the unit was How the Wolf, the Fox and the Rabbit Committed a Crime.  This was another story that just made me giggle because I thought it was a bit random too.  I thought it was interesting how they divvied up who would get what depending on what needs they had and then everyone died except for the rabbit.  It’s kind of a messed up story and I’m not sure it’s one I would retell to my future children. 

It seems like a theme in this half of the unit that everyone dies somehow.  The Man and the Monkeys is another story where a man is looking to an animal for help and after the animal helps him, he wished he were dead so that he could go home to his family.  He shook the trees where the monkeys were and killed them all, except for the monkey god who in return, killed him. 

Overall, I think I liked the first half of the unit a little bit better because the stories weren't as sporadic.  But all in all, they were still funny stories even though they were kind of downers. 

Two Little Cats

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