Saturday, January 24, 2015

Reading Diary A: Bengal Folktales

For the reading unit this week, I chose the BengaliFolktales unit.  I chose this unit because it seemed interesting to me as I am an animal lover.  One of the stories that stuck out to me was The Origin of Opium.  Though the title wasn't very intriguing to me, the story definitely was.  In the first part of the story, I thought that the mouse would continue to change into different animals until it found one that it liked the most but of course, like everything in life, nothing is only the positives, so the mouse found something wrong with everything it was turned into. 

As the story went on, I didn't think that the elephant, at that point, would turn into a beautiful girl.  That was a plot twist for me as I thought it would continue to change into animals.  I was also surprised when Poppy fell into the water and died because I figured at the end, she would want to return to being a mouse because the world as a beautiful woman had its ups and downs too.  At the end, I finally figured out why the name of the story was The Origin of Opium and I thought that was an interesting end to this story. 

I also particularly liked the image attached to the end of the Origin of Opium series.  It had vibrant colors and helped put an image to the text I was reading.  Overall, I liked this first half of the unit and I’m interested in reading the second half to find out more about the stories from the Bengal Folktales.  

The Origin of Opium  by Warwick Goble

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