Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Essay: North America Unit

Though I thought that the stories that I read for this unit were good reads, I wasn’t too fond of the topic for this week and next week, Native America.  I think I would have liked the opportunity to read more stories from other units and write about them more.  For all of the other weeks, I wrote an extra reading diary post because I thought there were so many good stories I wanted to explore them all.  For this unit, I found myself digging for stories that I liked.  I know this is personal preference but after I finished all the readings in my particular unit, I felt that I gained more knowledge and learned different and better techniques to use when writing my own stories.  With that being said, mission accomplished.  It isn’t that I didn’t enjoy the unit, it’s just that there were other ones that sounded more appealing to me, personally. 

Overall, I just felt a little less creative.  As for how the stories were structured, I thought it was great, as usual.  The overview for the British North America unit contained information that I wanted to know before reading all the stories but I wish I had known more about who Haida, Shuswap, and Inuit peoples were.  It was nice to be prepped on what the language of the stories were like because I prefer when the stories vary in style, it helps keep it interesting. 

Like with every unit, it is all set up so nicely that it is very easy to navigate through the stories and go back to the ones you really liked to read again and potentially use as your storytelling post.  Especially in this unit, with the stories being a little shorter than others, it allowed for more creativity in storytelling posts because you can elaborate more and branch out from the original.  

Inuit Peoples

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brittan, I just happened to see your post pop up and I was trying to remember - you are moving to Phoenix, right? Maybe next week you can do the Southwestern unit. You'll find stories from Arizona there. The Apache unit is also relevant to your Arizona future! :-)
