Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Reading Diary B: Looking Glass Unit

One of the stories I really liked from Looking Glass was Queen Alice.  I always liked the back and forth between the Red Queen and the White Queen.  Throughout these stories, both the queens are hard of Alice and ask her tons of questions that they queens inevitably tend to answer for her.  Like the other stories I’ve read, I really like some of the language used in these stories.  My favorite story in this three part series was the third one because the Frog is introduced and he’s one of my favorite characters.  I thought that the author did a really good job of describing the Frog and that helped me picture him without seeing an actual image.  I should try and incorporate some more descriptions in my stories so that my readers feel like they can imagine my characters without images too. 

I also really like the story Shaking and Walking.  The way the story was set up made the reading easy and helped guide the reader smoothly through the story.  I particularly like the beginning of the story when the White Queen is telling Alice about the fish and how it must be caught and prepared.  Of course my favorite part of the story is when the little creature turned into a kitten because cats are the best. 

I’m not sure what story I want to retell for my storytelling post yet but I think I might find one from the first half of the unit.  The only problem is these stories are so in depth and long, having three parts, that it will be difficult to condense all the stories into one and keep it within the limits.  

Alice in Wonderland 

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